This lesson plan, which I designed to help students practice question word order in WH questions, YES/NO questions and subject questions, is based on a short film called “The Answers”.


Show the students the photos and explain that all the pictures are taken from the film they are going to watch. Ask them what they think the film is about and what happened to the young couple in the pictures. 

·    Ask the students to work in pairs or small groups and to write as many questions as possible about the story.

Ex.: Where did they meet?
Who was in the car?, etc.

·    Ask the groups to compare their questions.

·    Tell the students that the film is about a young man who died in a car accident and can now get the answer to any question about his life. What questions do you think he will ask? Divide the class into 2 teams and give them a time limit of 5 minutes to come up with as many questions as they can. Then ask the teams to compare their questions. 

·    Ask them to complete the questions the man is actually asking. Remind them that they don’t need an auxilary word for subject questions.

What time/ it/is?


Who/ stole/ my Mongoose?

Jessica Parcils/was cheating on me?

What/ happened to Sam?

What/ is the closest I ever came to buried treasure?

What/ is the closest I came to getting attacked by a shark?

How many waves/ I have surfed?

How many people/ I/ have ever met?

What/ is/ the bravest moment of my life?

What/ is the most scared I have ever been?

What/is the best advice I ever got?

What/ was/ my drunkest moment?

How many high fives/ I gave?

Who in the history of mankind / looked most like me?

Out of every woman ever, who /was the perfect one for me?

How many eggs /I/  have eaten?

She/ got married?

I/ can / see what she’s doing right now?

You/ can/ show me my happiest moment?


·         Ask the students to watch the film until 5:31 and check if their questions are correct.

You can find the same video on Vimeo

Ask the students to remember the questions the man asked and write them down. 

Give the students worksheet 3 and ask them to choose 3 questions. The students stand up and walk around trying to talk to as many people as possible. Encourage them to ask follow-up questions. 

If you had access to a source of unlimited knowledge about your life, what would you ask?

Ask the students to write all they’ve found out  about the man’s life
ask them to write how they think the film will end.
