1. Put the verbs into the correct category

2. Choose the correct form, then answer the questions.

1.       It’s Sunday evening. What do you fancy (to do/ doing) ?
2.       Are you afraid of  (fly/flying)
3.       Some foreign tourists are lost in your home town. Will you offer (to help/helping)  them?
4.       Do you spend a lot of time (to watch/ watching TV)?
5.       Your friend lives on the 10th floor. Will you decide (to use/ using) the stairs or a lift?
6.       Imagine (to spend/ spending) a year on a desert island. How do you think you’ll feel?
7.       What do you hope (to get/ getting) for your next birthday?
8.       You and your friends want to go on holiday together. Where will you suggest (to go/ going)?
9.       There’s a test tomorrow and you’re not ready. Will you avoid (to go/going) to school or go anyway?
10.   You’re busy and a friend asks you for help. Will you agree (to help/helping) or refuse (to help/helping)
11.   You’re at the cinema with some friends and you can’t help (to cry/crying). Will you feel embarrassed?
12.   What is one thing you can’t stand (to do/ doing)?
13.   It’s midnight and your neighbour’s dog keeps (to bark/barking). What will you do?
14.   You get a present you don’t like. Will you pretend (to like/liking) it?
15.   Do you expect (to go/going)  on holiday somewhere nice this year?
16.   Are you interested in (to draw/ drawing?
17.   What are you keen on (to do/doing)?
18.   Say one thing you don’t mind (to do/doing)

3. Choose a fairy tale and tell it using as many verbs from Ex 1 as possible     


Sentence halves
