1.       This is the home page of, a site which encourages people to be kinder. Look at the acts of kindness they suggest trying. Match them to their descriptions.

·       Set a daily gratitude reminder on your phone to gift yourself a moment of thanks for something that brings YOU joy.
·         Pitch in at a community garden, share produce from your own outdoor or windowsill garden, or help neighbors with weeding. Fight food insecurity locally—and make where you live more beautiful.
·         Good news can go viral too! Share an inspirational story with your social network and watch your feed become more uplifting. Once you've posted, let us know what story you shared and why.
·         It’s never too late to ask the name of your barista, grocer, or the guy with the poodle you see every morning when you're walking your terrier.
·         Has someone helped you with something, but you haven’t had the chance to thank them yet? Now’s a great time to text a few kind words of gratitude in appreciation of their support.
·         Fresh air. Time to contemplate the day ahead. When you walk to work, your body, your mind and the planet rejoice.
·         Let a stranger know you noticed their lovely smile, style or dedication to their work. You'll feel just as good as they do!
·         Be the positive news in your feed by uplifting others. Publicly compliment someone and let them know how wonderful they are-from friends and family to colleagues, artists, and leaders you admire.
·         Emails or texts can’t compete with the thrill of finding a handwritten envelope in your mailbox or under the door. What a special way to show you care!
·         Stay hydrated in style. Add stickers or a colorful tag to your reusable water bottle and fashionably prevent plastics from entering our ecosystem. Now go hit the gym!
·         Hide post-it notes at home (inside the fridge, under your pillow, in a tea tin) with simple reminders that you are awesome. Lift your mood with each discovery.
·         Kindness means different things to different people. Do you have a story of when you've given, received or witnessed kindness? We'd love to hear about it.
·         What song makes you dance around in your pajamas, lifts your mood when you're feeling blue, or gives you the courage to stand up for what you believe in? Post your favorite and inspire a global dance party!
·         Have you been thinking about someone lately, and wondering how things are going for them? Turn your thoughts into action by reaching out right now.
·         Shorten the wait for the person behind you. It's a simple gesture that can spark a conversation and lower stress.

2.       Which act of kindness  would you choose? What exactly  would you do? How do you think it would make you feel? What benefits would it have for other people?

3.       Read some people’s comments about the act of kindness they did. What do all the comments have in common?

5.       Read the beginning of the article. What positive effects on well-being do you think kindness can have?

6.       Guess if the sentences are true or false.
·         When people were asked to rank preferences in a potential mate, kindness ranked above physical attractiveness.
·         Surveyed patients’ colds were shortened by 1 DAY if they experienced empathy and kindness from their doctor.
·         According to scientific research kindness can lower the effects of stress.
·         Kindness to others boosts psychological flourishing.
·         Kindness is an effective way to reduce state-level social anxiety.

7.       Go to to check if your guesses were correct.

Follow up

1.       Discuss the following:


2.       Come up with as many ideas for random acts of kindness as possible.

3.       Watch the video in which people explain what kindness means to them. Then write your definition of kindness.
