1. Work with a partner. Look at the travel quotes. Which one do you like most? Why?
"Travel makes one modest, you see what a tiny place you occupy in the world." (Gustave Flaubert)
"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness." (Mark Twain)
“Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” – Ibn Battuta
"All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveller is unaware." (Martin Buber)
2. Work on your own. Read the following descriptions and explain the phrases in bold. Which do you think best describes you?
- You travel for the thrill of it. Always up for any adventure, you just want to experience the world. The word "no" isn't in your vocabulary, as you're always up for anything. You are not a planner and you live your life one day at a time.
- For you, travel is about escape. When you're away from home, you don't rush, there are no plans. Instead, you enjoy life's little pleasures. You slow down and let time pass. You sip your coffee or tea a bit slower, sit all day in a coffee shop with a book, and discuss life with the locals. You are so relaxed, you may even let yourself sleep in.
- You travel to enrich your life. Sure, home has lots of colors, but you want the palette of life. You want to learn about new cultures and people. You travel for festivals and holidays. You immerse yourself in the lives of those you meet. Travel has changed you for the better.
- For you, travel is a spiritual experience. You are on a mission to find yourself or learn something new with each trip. Sometimes this means practicing yoga or meditation in the Himalayas, while other times it's a trek alone in the woods. No matter what, with each trip you take you learn a little bit more about who you are.
- For some it's about the journey, but for you it's about the place. You travel to discover new worlds and live new lives. You often stay in a place a long time, maybe eventually making it your home. For you, home is a feeling and a place that gives you a feeling of home is what you are looking for.
3. Get ready to ask your partner questions to find out which of the descriptions characterizes him best.
4. Ask your partner the questions.
5. Do the quiz and read your description. Do you agree with it?
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