1. Watch the video and put the pictures in the correct order.

2. Match the pictures to the paragraphs.

  • The sun's rays hit the atmosphere and some of them pass through the atmosphere and that helps to heat up the planet's surface
  • Some of the heat is reflected from the planet surface back up towards the atmosphere and is able to pass out into space.
  • Every day vast amounts of heat and light travel across space from the Sun to Planet Earth
  • As you can see the planet is protected by this thin blue line which represents the planet's atmosphere
  • Cars and factories produce gases in the atmosphere that create a kind of greenhouse for our planet. The sun's energy still passes through space to reach the atmosphere. The heat passes through and warms the planet's surface. Some of that heat is reflected back up towards the atmosphere and some of it still passes out into space but because of the greenhouse effect with all those gases helping to trap the heat from the Sun some of that energy bounces back to the planet's surface and that means that the planet gradually starts to get warmer.
3. Watch the interactive video and answer the questions.

Related materials
Global Warming National Geographic
Greta Thunberg speech at UN Climate Change Conference
British Council Lesson Plan on Global Warming
