Global Warming


1. Ask the students to look at the collage and think about the consequences of global warming (The activity can be done in groups or pairs).

2. Hold a plenary discussion based on the pictures from the previous stage. If you hover the mouse over the pictures, you can see possible answers.

3. Ask the students to watch the first part of the commercial (until 0:20) and write down what the numbers refer to.

1 000 000
988 000
250 000

4. Ask the students to think about the final line for the commercial. Then watch it until the end to compare the students' ideas with the original version. 

5. Discussion questions
  • How has the climate changed recently where you live? 
  • What can people do to help the environment?
6. Show the students the picture and ask them if they know anything about the girl. If they don't, ask them to describe the picture and make assumptions about it. What is the girl doing? Why is she sitting in the street? 

7. Read the information about Greta Thunberg and answer the questions.

Greta Thunberg (born 3 January 2003) is a Swedish political activist working to stop global warming and climate change. In August 2018, she became a prominent figure for starting the first school strike for climate outside the Swedish parliament building. In November 2018, she spoke at TEDxStockholm, and in December 2018 she addressed the United Nations Climate Change Conference.
  • How old is Greta?
  • Why did she start a school strike?
  • What did she do in 2018? 
8. Listen to Greta's speech. 

9. Are the sentences true or false?

Greta thinks that small countries can't make a difference.
Greta thinks that people can stop climate change if they act together.
She thinks that rich people think about  money more than about the environment. 
She thinks that people are doing enough to protect the environment. 
She thinks that adults don't think about future generations. 
She thinks that people should rely more on fossil fuels.
She relies on world the leaders to solve the problem. 

10. Complete the sentences from Greta's speech.

7. Imagine you have the chance to speak at the United Nations Climate Change Conference. What will you say?

8. Ask the students to work in pairs, leaf through this virtual book and discuss which of these things they
  • already do
  • are prepared to do
  • are not prepared to do


How to produce less rubbish  (video)
