1. Do you remember the words? In what order do these things normally happen?

go out with someone
get engaged to someone
ask someone out
go on a date
get married to someone
fall in love with someone
meet someone for the first time
break up with someone

2. Read the story and put the pictures in the correct order.

Mike and Jenny met at a party. They chatted for a while and at the end of the night he asked for her number. He called her the next day to ask her out and she said yes. They went out for coffee and discovered that they had so much in common, they were made for each other! They fell in love and started going out with each other. One night they had a horrible argument and they broke up but they got back together soon. 3 years later they got engaged and 6 months later they got married. 

3. Read the interview and answer the questions. (adapted from ELLO Listening )

Todd: Hey, Michael, how did you meet your wife?
Mike: We met a long time ago when we were both students, at Arizona State University, and I had volunteered to be one of the tour guides for new students. It was the end of August and it was boiling. I met the students for the tour of the campus. I remember she was sitting on a bench and she smiled at me and I smiled at her, and there was some kind of spark. The next day she found out who I was and where I worked and she dropped in my office. 
On our 20th anniversary, we went back to the campus where we met and we took a picture of ourselves on the same bench because this is where we first met.
Todd: What a great story. So, in terms of your personality, how are you similar?
Mike: How are we similar? Oh, man, I think we're very different, actually. I think our biggest similarity is that we're both  very tolerant. We have an understanding that we're going to misunderstand each other most of the time, but we approach that with a kind of humor and flexibility. 
Todd: So you think that's the key to any successful marriage?
Mike:  Yes, definitely.  I think that is one of the keys.

  • How did Mike meet his wife?
  • What did they do on their 20th anniversary?
  • Are Mike and his wife similar? 
  • What's Mike's advice to married couples? 

4. Read and retell the story.

More stories here
Love and dating vocabulary
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle interview

ELLLO International Marriage
ELLLO Chance Encounter
