Modals of deduction

1. Look at the pictures and make assumptions

2.  Answer the questions using must have, may have, might have, can't have

  • You called your  friend yesterday but he/she wasn't at home. Where did he/she go?
  • Anna was late for the lesson. What happened to her?
  • Rita is sad and her eyes are red. You also know that she doesn't want to speak to her boyfriend. 
  • Paul didn't come to work yesterday and you also know that he went to the doctor's. 
  • Jane has a broken arm. 
  • Mary promised to come to your house at 8 and she hasn't arrived yet. She's never been to your place and you know she's terrible at reading maps. 
2. Look at the pictures and try to guess how people used these objects.

Ex.: It might have been a ...
People must have used it to ...

