Watch the video. What are the most common regrets?
2. Change the sentences beginning with "I wish".
2. Change the sentences beginning with "I wish".
- I regret not spending more time with my oldest brother before he went to college.
- I regret not trying as hard when I was younger with grades.
- I regret getting in a huge fight with my best friend since I was 2 years old.
- I regret not being more open to things.
- I regret not letting my grandmother know how much I loved her.
- I regret taking myself too seriously when I was in high school-
- I regret not taking a chances
- When my aunt died I wasn't there and she was a really important part of my life. I regret it now.
- I regret not thinking before I speak more frequently in my day-to-day life.
- I regret not getting to know my father more before he died.
- I regret not knowing what I really wanted to do earlier.
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