
1. What springs to mind when you look at the picture? Do you know the story of Buridan's ass? What do you think it teaches us?

2. Have you ever been in a situation when you had a problem choosing between 2 equally attractive things?

3. Do you agree that the more choices we have, the better off we are?

3. Watch the 2 video excerpts. What are the positive and the negative aspects of the situations described? How do you think you would feel in these situations? Are these situations likely to happen in your culture?

4. Watch the second video again and complete the gaps.

Language point Would rather

Answer the questions.

·         Would you rather be able to freeze time or travel in time?
·         Would you rather live without music or without television?
·         Would you rather read the book or watch the movie?
·         Would you rather have the same phone forever or the same haircut forever?
·         Would you rather work for a boss you hate but make good money, or work for a boss that you love     but make minimum wage?
·         Would you rather vacation in the mountains or at the beach?
·         Would you rather be stranded in the jungle or in the dessert?
·         Would you rather always have a song stuck in your head or always have an itch that you can’t reach?
·         Would you rather your husband/ wife was the hottest person alive or the smartest person alive?


Watch  the full talks The paradox of choiceThe art of choosing

Flashcards The art of choosing
