
1. Warmer. Watch the commercial of a master class and answer the questions.

  • What examples of everyday negotiations does Chris mention?
  • What job did he use to do? 
  • What does he teach in his master class?
  • What is mirroring and how can it be used in a negotiation?
  • Why does he think that negotiation skills are important for everyone?
  • Would you be interested in taking this course? Why/ Why not?
2. Think of three situations in your daily life when you need to negotiate (at home or at work).

3. Read the information about 2 approaches to negotiations. Think of a situation where each approach might be used.

Competitive negotiation avoids compromise, the goal is to maximize your benefit by paying the lowest price, likely outcome is a win-lose situation.
Collaborative (win-win) negotiation encourages compromise, the goal is to maximize joint gains, likely outcome is a win-win situation.

4. Listen to a conversation and answer the questions.

1 What is the subject of the negotiation?
2 What outcome does Louise want?
3 Is it a cooperative or a competitive negotiation?
4 What options could either party have suggested as a solutioo?

5. Listen to a conversation between a client and a supplier and answer the questions.

1 Which type of business do the client and supplier work in?
2 What is the negotiation about?
3 What is the restaurant's usual policy concerning food supplies?
4 What is the supplier's usual delivery time?
5 Who does the supplier need to check the delivery times with?
6 What terms do the supplier and customer potentially agree on?

6. Listen again and complete the phrases.
1 Shall we get ______down to _____ ?
2 I _______ have some ________ about your delivery times.
3 I understand where you're _______ ________  . However ...
4  ______ we increased our order by seven per cent, could you _________your delivery time by two days?
5 It looks ______  we have a __________ .
6 Let's arrange another meeting when we've had time to ________ things _________ ,

Functional language

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