
Do you know the words?

thrift blogger
pass something on to somebody
get a refund/an exchange
such and such
get rid of
charity shop
keep track of
it suddenly clicked
stiff upper lip
be a thing
put somebody on the spot
nan, nana

Watch again and answer the questions.

What do Jane and William do?
Why doesn't Jane pass gifts on to other people?
In what ways are their opinions about regifting similar/ different?
Why does William recommend choosing a charity shop at least 30 miles away?
What does William think when he gets wine as a gift from his friends?
How did William understand that his friend was going to regift things she got from her friends?
What would Jane and William never regift?
Have you ever regifted anything?
What do you do if you don't like the gift you're given?
Do you think regifting can be thoughtful?
Is it soocially acceptable in your culture?
