1. Answer the questions.
The transcript
6. Read about an experiment and answer the question. Then flip the card to see the correct asnwer.

7. Six Minute English The commute
- How do you get to work/university/school?
- How long does it take you to get there?
- How far is it?
- How much does it cost?
- How does your commute make you feel?
- What do you do on your commute? How could you make it more pleasant?
2. Use your dictionary, check the words commute, commuter, commuting, round trip
3. You are going to watch a video about a long-distance commuter. Before you watch it, look at the sentences below and try to predict which of them might be true.
- He commutes daily between Calgary and Vancouver, which is a 1,944 km round trip.
- On Monday morning he wakes up at 4:30 a.m, drives 12 to 13 hours and starts a 5:30 p.m. shift at a café.
- He arrives home at 1:30 pm on Tuesday.
- He sometimes sleeps one hour a day and he occasionally has to sleep in his car.
- He spends 500 dollars a week on petrol.
- He also works on the road.
4. Watch the video and check your guesses.
5. Watch the video again and complete the sentences. (you can find the answers at the bottom of the page)
I know it sounds crazy but basically I needed a job. I've got a family, this is what _________ itself , a good job in Vancouver and I jumped on it.
At 3:30 p.m. my shift is over and I _________ back to Calgary.
These are the ___________ you got to go to if you want to live the life you want to live.
The transcript
6. Read about an experiment and answer the question. Then flip the card to see the correct asnwer.

7. Six Minute English The commute
Answer Key ex.
I know it
sounds crazy but basically I needed a job I've got a family this is what
presented itself a good job in Vancouver and I jumped on it.
At 3:30
p.m. my shift is over and I head back to Calgary.
These are
the lengths you got to go to if you want to live the life you want to live.
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