Negotiating 2


1. Think about the last negotiation you had. What was the outcome? Were you satisfied with it?

2. Watch the beginning of the negotiation between an employee called Tom and his manager Sara and answer the questions.

  • Why does Tom start the negotiation with small talk? 
  • What is the subject of the negotiation?
  • What is Sara's reaction?
  • What arguments do you think Tom could use to persuade his boss? 

  • 3. Watch the scene again and complete the phrases,
    ________ a chair.
    I know you've been _____ ______ _______ of meetings all day.
    I'm trying to _______ _______ early. My son has a class play tonight.
    How's your own _______ ________?
    That's actually what I'm _______ _______ .
    ________ ________ was fantastic.
    I'm realizing that I actually _______ more work __________ at home.

    4. Watch the next excerpt of the role-play and take a note of Tom's arguments. What reservations does Sarah have? What do you think the outcome of the negotiatrion will be?

    4. Complete the sentences.

    5. Watch the whole video. What was the outcome? Why was the negotiation successful?

    6. Look at the negotiation tips below. Which of them do you think Tom followed?

    Connect on a personal level.
    Do your homework.
    Explain your needs
    Listen carefully
    Find out about the other person's perspective
    Encourage the other person to open the negotiation
    Prepare more than one option

