1. Read the sentences. Which of them is true for you?
- The first thing I do when
I wake up is check Twitter/ Instagram/ Facebook feed on my phone.
- Sometimes I’m able to put my phone down
after a quick look at the notifications, but usually I get sucked in until
I realize I’m running late.
- The mindless scroll isn’t limited to my
mornings. I scroll through my Instagram/ Facebook feed at parties, in line
at the grocery store and so on.
- It’s hard for me to stay off my phone.
2. Explain the meaning of the words in bold.
3. Read the article.
4. Put the tips in the order from the most to the
least effective and explain why.
- Admit you have a problem
- Turn off your notifications
- Put your phone in another room
- Leave your phone at home
- Don’t sleep next to your phone
- Take the apps off your phone
- Set boundaries
- Turn on grayscale
5. Answer the questions:
What are the 3 primary benefits you get out of using your smart phone?
What are the 3 ways in which your smartphone has a negative effect on you?
Do you check your phone first thing when you wake up?
Do you sleep with your phone next to your bed?
How do you feel if your phone is not with you all the time? Maybe in another room?
Do you check your phone in class or while at work or doing some other tasks?
If you leave your phone at home, do you feel a great sense of anxiety? Do you ever leave your phone at home?
Where is your phone right now? Why?
Do you while away the time by checking your phone?
At mealtimes, do you look at your phone instead of talking to your family or friends?
When you are eating, is your phone always in your hand or on the table next to you?
Do you feel lonely if you don’t get any messages or any notifications in a while?
- You are offered a great new job, but one of the rules is no smartphones on duty. Do you take the job?
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