Hello everyone,
It’s Alina and I'm back with a new
video and no, this is not a joke, I did actually get up at 4 a.m. that day. I
sometimes get up at 4 but not every day but yeah I'm just a ________ person so
mornings are my more productive time and as always I get out of bed __________
because I know otherwise it's just not gonna happen. And then I just quickly go
to the bathroom to wash my face and get dressed for the day to just feel more
ready to start the day and be productive and the next thing I do is always make
my bed because if I don't make my bed I know I will fall back into it and then
I do my make-up to look less sleepy and just a little bit more __________ . And
I wasn't feeling too productive that day so I decided to just quickly pack all
my things in the bag and go to the library because the library is my more
____________ spot so I put in my EarPods and grabbed my bag and then I went on
to put on my coat because it is super super cold in the morning especially here
in Cambridge. It is always pretty __________ but at 5:00 a.m., trust me, you
want to wear a big fluffy coat.
2. Answer the questions.
Does Alina have to get up at 4? Why dies she do it?
Does she have to make up? Why does she do it?
Does she have to go to the library? Why does she do it?
3. Explain the difference:
You don't have to get up at 4 a.m.
You mustn't get up at 4 a.m.
You shouldn't get up at 4 a.m.
4. Speak about your morning routine. What do you have to do every morning? Are there any things you don't have to do, but you do because you want to?
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