Jane Goodall

1. Do you know what these words and phrases mean? 

take advantage of, capable (of), throughout life, campfire, despair, mine, dam, reduce, finite, alleviate, horrendous, slave labour, unsustainable, greedy 

2. Watch the video and answer the questions:

What kind of support did Jane get from her mother? Why was it important for her? 

What would she like to do in the future?

What is education for Jane? 

When is she happy? 

Why do dogs make her happy?

What did a dog teach her when she was a child? 

What is the biggest problem she faces as an environmental activist?

What things would she change? 

What is the connection between poverty and environmental problems? 

3. Complete the sentences, using the words ad expressions from exercise 1. 

I am happy when I sit around with friends in the evening, particularly around a ... . 

A dog taught me that we are not the only beings ... of reasoning. 

I would like to ... poverty because when you're poor you destroy the environment to survive. 

They agree that this ... shouldn't go aheador this dam shouldn'tbe built. 

I think we continue to be educated ... . 

It's a planet of finite resources and we're using them up. 

What I would really, really love to change is the ... of everyone else. 
